NSI Auditors Stellenbosch
R e g i s t e r e d ... A c c o u n t a n t s ... a n d ... A u d i t o r s


NSi is a firm that focus on the small and medium-sized businesses and its owners as clients. NSi is situated in Stellenbosch. NSi provide professional services across the country. The two directors are chartered accountants and are registered auditors with the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors.

We as directors believe in a “hands on” approach and work with our clients to fulfil their needs. Apart from performing the mandatory services, we see ourselves as business partners for clients. We have the objective to see our clients’ businesses grow as we build a trustworthy long term relationship. We see this relationship as the environment in which our clients, and us, develop to reach our personal, financial and professional goals.

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